Thursday 29 December 2022

Master CVV December Call New Year Call 2023

Significance of Master CV December Call 
Source Master EK.            By  Editor Mihira  
Resource Master MRL     M.Pradyumna Rao.

Master CVV gave forth his Eternal Yoga of Time and Space  which helps the disciples to transcend their own concepts of Time cycles and  periods . Master CVV Yoga contains courses of meditations , series of invocations notes of workings , yogic import of Health and Time. There are many yogic imports  out of which  New year Call on December of every month called.December call carries much significance in many ways through  Occult Astrological ,Astronomical and  Health  aspects of Human Life . 

Master CVV Yoga contians  mainly  three aspects  Adjustments,workings and Rectifications.

Out of which This  is a yoga which called also Celestial yoga connected with Time. This yoga bringsforth Adjustments in Time.  This yoga works out Planetary Adjustments in space and also one own astrological charts to rectify our incapablity to recieve planetary vibrations.
 Master CVV also does rectify Zodiac adjustments in ones individuals chart and space to channelise Zodiacal energy to give our human plan of Human and Solar.

Master also does Stellear Adjustment to enable mind to cognize the plan of  Human Life.

Master CVV use to invoke New Year with his mediatational yoga and give out spiritual import of new year and  The Planetary Plans ,reveal zodical mysteries and stellar splendor. 

Master EK after which  continued  his  Masters Master CVV Divine Plan through December Call every year on Dec 31 through his celestial yoga and give out astrological import of the new year along with spiritual import.

Later Master EK disciples continuing  the plan of his through many ways.  Master MRL garu one among such continued  His Master's Plan through AstroMeet On the New year every year on December 31and  use to give spritual Astrological predictions along with World predictions and zodiacal forecast, planetary import, and stellar concept of life for Humanity at large on this day . He use to  invoke spiritual lord of New year through Master C V V and Master EK yoga. 

Now Mihira in the path of Masters brings forth three fold yoga through three fold path on this day  through Masters Friends collogues, disciples and family. As Mihira Astro Meet every new year .

Mihira Astro Series is one such plan of Masters . few books are being released .on this day Astro Caleneder series. 

December call gives disciples to enter into spritual kingdome of the New year through spritual doorway and bestow the plan of the  New Year Lord and Master of the order to be benefit New year with its plan ,alligence  and change . 

One's Health and Individual time periods will get rectify with Master CVV yoga.

Mihira invites December call at Mihira office on December 31, 2022 .9pm 

Mihira office Adress 
D no  30.1-211/9 
Old south Jail road 
Beside Abhaya Anjenaeya swamy statue 
Allipuram road Dabagardens. vizag-530020.

Friday 16 December 2022

Master MRL Sacrifice - Man Sacrifice.

Master Sacrife at the altar of World Welfare-  Master MRL at feet of his Master
The Man Sacrifice-  Holy Gateway of Death. Master MRL 22.1.1946- 17.12.2018

Death is Spritual Birth and Birth is Spritual Death for normal but for spritual Man,both Birth and Death is  a spritual enlightenment . Even Gods and Angels adopt this process to initiate the Earth through their birth and death . So from Solar  yearly cycles , New moon and full moon Lunar cycles ,  Birth and Death  cycles of Life , seedling and harvest cycles , cell life cycles, trees annual  cycles to seasonal cycles and  So on to many cycles of Life , where small species live and die to sustain higher beings .  As how cellular  birth, activity and cell death sustain human body ,so also  Human Birth and Death sustain Higher Beings of Life called Cosmic entities.

 Masters, Saints, Adepts , Initiates use thier birth and death to teach, enlighten and initiate lower beings and sacrifice their spritual fruits to sustain higher beings and protect Globe and Humanity from disasters. May  such Masters of Wisdom bless and tread humanity in  their Path . 

Today is Master MRL Rao garu (father of Mihira organization) date of Ascension(  leaving body). FOUR SACRED  years has completed by this date.In His Frame🙏 we live In His Name 🙏we live in Him 🙏verily We live until He finds His purpose with us 🙏while Life is a offering at the feet of a Guru. 🙏 Namaskarams Master Verily Verily We are in You 🙏 May Master bless all his followers of faith .🙏May Master's choicest blessings shower on all his followers. Masters sacrificial death is ritual to his followers of faith, Time is verily  divided as before Master and after Master to his disciples,  May the his holy day of ascension uplift the mortal souls into immortality of consciousness🙏

Editor Mihira.
M.P Rao.

Sunday 4 December 2022

The Significance of Holy Geetha Jayanthi

Mihira wishes all Holy Gita Jayanthi to all.

It's 5159 years todate, since Lord Krisha gave out the World the way of life to the whole Globe initiated the planet with his luminous teaching.  He gave the humanity yogic way of life.   Mahabharata is great epic of the world History rich in Heritage spiritual culture and many spiritul secrets.

Today is the Day where Lord Krishna in the epitome of Narayana the supreme God,gave out the Geetha the eighteen fold formula of Life , in the edge of war of  Mahabharata  which was conducted 18 days ,  to Arjuna epitome of Man the humanity as a whole ,  which was written as great epic Mahabharata compiled with 18000 poems by Great sage Veda vyasa. He named the great epic as Jaya means 18,in a way . One who reads this epic  Geetha  gains victory over himself . Gaining   sucess in the  world is called Vijaya. Victory over oneself body mind senses and soul is called Jaya so the two qualites are personified as Two door keepers of Lord Vishnu and the war between Pandavas and kaurvas symblosize the  inner fight of man between good and evil, the  permanent and temporal values, the  morality and immorality, and the senses and illusion.same time they symbolize the  soul and body. 

 The sprit of  God and the Man stands between the two armies ,  in one charriot of Man as spirit and Soul lead the battle of life ,trespass the struggles of karma, to gain Jaya and Vijay . The drama of life of Nara and Narayana is allegorised as Krishna Arjuna samvadha the Geetha. One who lives his life in accordance the Geetha best books in the world gaina victory over all scales  of life. 

The conversation between the questionerer and the answerer at any point of time  between any two persons  is said to be role of Krishna and Arjunaso it is called Ithi Hasa  May the historical event lead the humanity into better way of life culture the people with spirituality and enrich them with morality elevate them into yogic life .  Mihira wishe holy Geetha Jayanthi to all. Few celebrate the evt with rituals while few celebrate with chanting reading the holy scripture while few others pray and meditate upon the sacred names scriptural meditations and venerate the God. 

Editor Mihira 
Krishna Pradyumna. 

Wednesday 31 August 2022

Mihira wishes all Holy Rishi Panchami 2022


The Rishi Panchamiu inFestival: It’s Date, Tithi And Importance

Well, the important Rishi Panchami festival is now near. Rishi Panchami is celebrated on the fifth lunar day of Shukla Paksha (Waxing Moon Fortnight) in the month of Bhadrapad, as per the Hindu calendar. It falls on the very next day of Ganesh Chaturthi. This year Rishi Panchami falls on Sept 1, 2022. Rishi Panchami usually falls one day after Ganesha Chaturthi. It is a worship of sapata rishi i.e. Kashyapa, Atri, Bharadwaja, Vishvamitra, Gautama Maharishi, Jamadagni and Vashishtha. In Kerala, this day is also celebrated as a Vishwakarma puja. Rishi Panchami Vrat primarily involves people expressing respect, gratitude, and remembrance to the great sages who contributed a lot to the welfare of society.

It is beliekved that fasting on Rishi Panchami Vrat is beneficial to one and all but thiks fast is more specifically observed by the women. The festival of Rishi Panchami is a woman’s way of expressing devotion, gratefulness, faith and respect towards one’s husband. Fasting on this festival can destroy the sins which one has committed unknowingly. So, let’s learn about this festival, the story behind it and the puja rituals associated with it.

According to Few schools of spritual thought  Sapthanrishis are invoked  with homa and rituals and Higiven food to seven couples and they are venerated in the light of saptha rishis. Few others venerated spiritual Masters of New Age in the light of saptha rishis. Mihira. is. attempting to bring such  publication . 

Timing and Date of Rishi Panchami

Rishi Panchami puja is on Sept 1, 2022. The puja muhurat is from 111:09 AM to 01:36 PM. Hence, the total duration will be two hours twenty-seven minutes.k look oh j

Panchami beginning time and date: 03:22 PM on Aug 31, 2022

Panchami ending time and date: 02:49 PM on Sep 01, 2022

Mihira Wishes all Holy Saptharishi Panchami

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Happy Holy Vinayaka Chavithi

Mihira  Wishes all Happy Holy Ganesh Chavithi.    Lord Ganesh is one of the most auspicious God in Ancient Indian Culture. Lord Ganesh is bestower of Wealth, Health, prosperity, oppulence and Education. He is venerated in all events of life from very birth of man to this death. people of all ages and Times venerate him in various occasions of life to get rid away many obstacles in life. He is the Divine incarnation from the Mother Godess Shakthi. He is venerated as Hasti Mukha protective of star Hasta, the Cosmic force of substance of creation who with holds the creative substance of Matter and life together and forms as units of groups as "Gana"'s The Lord arranges various groups of letters as metres of sentences, Into phrases,   people as Nations, Races, families, and groups. Space as stars, suns planets and asternoids. He plays Ananda Tandava Holy dance in space restores music of spheres, he plays Mrudanga holy drums music and brings rhythm of life in Time and space. He gives knowledge about life and bestows lievelyhood. 

Ganesh chavithi Holy holyday to generate God in his numerous firms to bestow his blessing on this creation there are many symblosims of his forms and acts which is seperalty presented as Ganesh Puran by veda vyas. May the Lord bless Ganesh. All of us 

This is a special book of ritual given by Master MRL Rao garu with pooja vidhaan with innate meaning and symbolism.  You can order at Mihira app.

Thursday 18 August 2022

Krishnastmi August 19.2022

.  Online Digital Publication at Mihira app.
Krishnastmi is one of the holy days in the year. Lord Krishna bought Exprience of Go Loka Sirius constellation to elevate the earth from demonoic forces. He enacted three grand rituals of Bhaghavatha, Mahabharatha and Mandra Jala initiated planet with his utmost presence. Even today Lord Krishna works through Lord Maitreya carries his work on planet. Lord Krishna is utmost purna avatar of dasavtaras of lord Vishnu his every act when meditated paves to  salvation. He blesses all with his presence on this day Many Masters yogis saints work out hisngranduer plan till date his World teacher for the present times .

Today also happens to be birthday of Master MN. Disciple of the Lord student of Master CVV who is also disciple  of The Lord Krishna. 
Mihira in the light of Master EK and Master MN and Master MRL conducts vedic and meditations on this day  

Friday 5 August 2022

August 11, 2022 Event at Mihira

August 4, 2022 ,Master CVV Birthday event at Mihira.

View the event at these links 

[04/08, 21:57] M.P RAO:

[04/08, 22:04] M.P RAO:

Mihira Silver Jubliee updates

Mihira Silver Jubilee with Chief Guests and Host
Chief Guest felicitating Mihira Members with sovaneir.

Books Magazines Special Issues Journals Sovabeir released on the eve of 25 years journey By each Honorable Guest in event.Anchor Sri Pilla Ramamanamurthy garu introduced Mihira and invited the guest with their Services offered to society and their co tribtuions to.society on to the stage spritual.diginatrians served city state and Nation with culture tradition and literacy. 

Mihira journey slide show with video presentation was presented with Mihira origin,  Master MRL Rao and Madam Vanaja preparation for Mihira Journey of Mihira 25 years, Activites with seven rays of lines along with services also in seven fields in the voice hour Stephan Dupke from Germany. A student of Master MRL garu.

President Sri RamaNarasimham garu spoke over Mihira Works and it's success in seven sections of Mihkra magazines and seven departments of Mihira in deciphering services to society. 

 Honorable Guest SriVedula.Subramanaya Sastry garu spoke on Guru tatva and greatness of Master EK Master MRL. Guru bhakti devotion towards Master Ek and his work in society through Mihira and his venerable services to society. He appreciated the efforts of Young Editor Mihira M.Pradyumna Rao in sustaining Mihira, And continuing his father Master MRL RAO work.  He opened . The Mihira 25 th year Special Birthday issue was opened by Sri. Vedula.Subramany sastry garu along with Special Guest Sri Bashyam Srinivas garu.

Special guest spoke over, in appreciation of Mihira Magazine conduction over 25 years, and the Efforts in sustaining the Culture and Hertiage of Nation through Magazine in conducting in Telugu language and sustaining the print media in these digital times.  He blessed the younger generation and also spoke about the Magazine presentation coverage of variety of articles and advertisements and rare information. Given in Magazine. 

 Distinguished Guest Master EK eldest son. Master E Anantha Krishna Garu opened sovaneir issue he blessed the Mihira Team and He gave speech origin of Mihira first by Master EK and then It Was again re started by his spritual brother MRL RAO,  He briefed out spiritual Marriage of Master MRL Rao and Madam Vanaja in the light of Master EK and their work of Master. And blessed the younger generation and said the work continues 
To next generation he said Master Ek was asked to train next generation and now in Mihira next generation MPradyumna who is like my son are selected by the Master as a channel to.contniue the work. 
Master also opened English Mihira online issue, birthday special issue gave tribute to his Mother who oepend Mihira. And father Master Ek World Teacher 

President Dr Ramanarsimham garu opened and spoke about Mihira Today Health journal and medical reserch updated in the health issue and necessity of the doctor in society. 
Sir K SNarayanagaru associate editor serving Mihira since all. Tbese 25 years continuously spoke about, Mihira Team and invited every member of all seven fields on to the stage gifted them with sovaneir with chief guest.  Felicitated few members also who have been with Mihira all these 25 years. 

Sir KVS Shyam.garu some about. Mihira Journey 25 years and opened online Mihira book order. kart from Mihira app.

Atlast M.Pradyumna Rao Editor Mihira Spoke about Master Ek advent and his father Master MRL rao spiritual journey and real sacrifice and work done the by the gurus on the stage in upright of Indiana culture and heritage even in the modern times and their continuation of their Fathers spiritual Lienage as sons and disciples. He also thanked every one from his bootom.of his heart all persons in the Mihira Team AdministratorsMihira family, Mihira Members, advertisers sponsors, and senior members of Mihira Family who helped every stage in a run of Mihira all these years and supported his father. He extended his thankfulness to  
the guest felicitated them along with his family at their lotus feet and offered them solutions. 

Sir Balu Master Known as CVNP drama Garu recited Vedic verses of ancient Vedic lore as blessings to all and sanctified the event with spiritual blessings. He also said his father and Master Ek were so ritual friends and at his father, Master Ek's disciples learned Vedic education and now his continuation services to Mihira. Blessed his student M Pradhyumna.

The event was graceful, eventful, and spiritual it recapitulated the opening grace of the function.

 View the live at the following link

Monday 4 July 2022

MIHIRA Day July 19 2022

Mihira Day 2022 
Mihira was originated at the feet of Master Ek in 1964 after a period Master EK worked out plan of the spritual Hirerachy through his Magazines Publications Trust and his Disciples He stood as World Teacher Worked out plan of the World Teacher Lord Maitreya and his cabinet He also stood as beacon of spiritual light in 20 century and fused East and Western Teachings and   Syenthesised work of Saptharishis and Masters of wisdom and Stood as Planetary Medium for Master CVV  and spread initiated his yoga to all.  He formed mininature of spritual cabinet among his disciples and spread his work Theron . Among which Mihira is one such light emancipated from the Divine hands of Mother GuruMata Appamma Mrs Master Ek in 1997 under the able Leadership of Master MRL Rao one among  close Disciples  of Master EK . Master MRL Rao and Madam Vanaja spritual pair paired by Master EK in his light stood as his mediums in spread of his work through Mihira . Master ISR. Disciple of Master Ek spritual collogue of Master MRL garu assisted along 24 years in the journey of Mihira .  . 

Mihira celebrates its  Annual day every year on July 19  which is esoterically called as  birthday of Lord Krishna according to few astrological calculations given by Master EK.  So Founders of Mihira declared this day as Mihira Day in the light of Masters as it's birthday falls in this month July 2 . 

Mihira started as a Magazine in 1997 July 2 stared it's publication House in 1998 Astrological School in 1999, Mihira family. A spiritual community in 2000 along with Mihira  Wisdom Teaching Temple and Mihira Charitable Trust in 2005  along with Mihira Yoga Centre also Mihira Society in 2017  

Now Mihira is continuing its services and activities and events with the blessings of Masters and Founders with the able board of members, disciples of Master MRL Rao garu and brotherhood of Master Ek and eminent scholars of the society in the footsteps of elders. 

Mihira Now completes 25 years silver jubilee in its run serving the society in its manner to its.strength. 

"Let us unite together to server society Better " 

   Scan with Google Lens to open Mihira 

Friday 15 April 2022

The Holy Message of Good Friday

Friday's are important days of worship in almost every religion and culture especially in Indian, Christians, Jews, Egyptians, Islamic traditions of worship. Special modes of prayers rituals and rites are prescribed on Fridays. Friday's according to spiritual Astrology ruled by planet Venus which forms as soul of solar system. Grand Master EK and his student Master MRL garu referred this in their works frequently. According to Madam Blavasky HPB. She called Venus planet as anima mundhi - soul of earth and is called twin soul of earth planet.   64 Spiriutual Angels called.aliens descended from.Venus to Earth to make this planet kingdom of beauty. Master Dk called it as Music of celestial spheres Master Ek called it Music of the soul. 
Santa Kumara was one descended from.the planet along with 64 angels called as Mahashodasi by World teacher Shankaracharya and established 16 centres of shakthi   in India so also Lord Krishna was male form of venue with 64 kalas he established world teacher Lord Maitreya. Lord Maitreya established Krishna consciousness as Christ consciousness and worked through  Master Jesus hence he  is called Jesus The Christ.  Master Jesus sacrificed on cross carrying sins of every soul of the earth elevated the earth to higher degree of revelation of Good Friday hence his eternal sacrifice on cross became symbol of worship for Christ followers.  He shared burden of every soul became father for children of earth in same way every father of family carries burdens of his family ascended on mount of Life. Hence is Good Friday is day of sacrifice of his on cross which gave forth this creation soul sacrifices on cross takes birth as Man and Man dies on cross of Time and Karma ascends as soul. Meet of soul and spirit is Meet centre of disciple and Master. May the holy good Friday bestow grace of God  and  bless us with blessings of Master Jesus and Christ and God on all of us.

With regards 
Editor Mihia 
MPradhyumna Rao

Monday 4 April 2022

Sir Rama Navami Rama Rajyam Kingdom.of Lord Rama

 Hail to Lord Rama. -  Jai siya Ram.
Lord Rama descended on earth to establish Law on earth pave the way to humanity a way of life to be lead  In order a human being to become a God. Every event and part of life of Lord Rama is  
A spiritual teaching symbolism of cosmic phenomenon hence their life is a holy scripture. One who reads listens or chants or even dramtises or pictuarises the story of Lord Rama and Seetha gets purified with their sanctity and even the phrase of time changes,  for the reader. According to vedantis   marriage of Lord Sita Rama and Pattabhishekhham of Lord Rama are conducted as rituals in the land of Bharat which symbolise celestial marriage of planets and divine union of energies, the  creative process and Establishment of spiritual Kingdom on Earth.  The candos of the Sacred Ramayana is divided into six divisions, representing six seasons of year and verses are composed in 240000/ representing 24 hrs of day and 24 locations of moon in a year. It's is yearly ritual .

Rama Kalynam brings prosperity, affluence, opulence, plentiness even removes draughts, famine conditions, starvation, problems changes luck. One who sits in SeethaRamaya kalyan gets married immediately.  

Rama Pattbhishekam brings peace among world and Bonf among all Nations to live as World family. It brings law establishes Dharma on earth. Spiritual Kingdom of Gods is enforced among men to exprience Heaven on Earth. May the Holy Sri Ram Navami bestow universal welfare. 

With regards
Editor Mihira

Lord Maitreya The World Teacher and The rise of New Kingdom on Earth

Lord Maitreya Buddha WeshaK 

Keeping Open the Path to the Light

Lord Maitreya - The World TeacherEvery concept has many dimensions. If we look at it only from one side, we cannot understand it correctly. A partial truth leads to prepossession. Holding on to views and concepts is an obstacle to our growth. Every time teachings are received, they are being interpreted and also recorded according to one’s own personality. 

The Teachings suffer the fate of being handed down incorrectly, being understood wrongly and spread in the wrong way. All fighting about them is based on thinking that you yourself are right and the others are wrong. Wisdom however is simply there – for those who align with it. It doesn’t advertise and proselytise, much less does it take on a militant view.

Humanity has not yet grown so far into the light that it is ready for a comprehensive understanding.

 It needs time to understand that those who have reached truth take sanctuary in it without taking up a fixed position, without claiming something for themselves and without defending themselves. 

Jesus demonstrated this to the West by not defending himself. Yet truth defended and glorified him. We defend ourselves with our personalities, because we haven’t yet reached this truth.

Wisdom lives by the principle of making itself available. 

The teachings are given to those who are searching for them. 

The teachings of the World Teacher emanate through the Spiritual Hierarchy and their disciples from time to time to inspire those few human beings who are sincerely searching for Truth. 

The World Teacher has committed himself to keep the path to the light open for the people during the present dark age or Kali Yuga.

Friend of All Beings

For over 5,000 years, Lord Maitreya has been holding the office of the World Teacher. 
Other World Teachers in other cycles have preceded him. 

The World Teacher is the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy; he is revered by the Hindus as Maitreya, by the Buddhists as Bodhisattva Maitreya and by the Christians as Christ. 

word “Maitreya” comes from the Sanskrit root “Mitra”, meaning friend. 

Maitreya is friendly towards all beings, irrespective of their behaviour; he does not play the game of love and hatred. 

This friend is in us the I AM-consciousness, which has its seat in the heart centre. Therefore, the heart centre is related to the Spiritual Hierarchy; it is the seat of love and of compassion.

He who works on the path of the World Teacher remains simple – common among common people. 
He inspires the persons in his surroundings by his silent spiritual work in all areas of life, without declaring that he works with the Hierarchy.

 Lord Maitreya said: “Be the same as your fellow human beings, without being as ordinary as they are.” This means, behave like all others do.

Maitreya’s Training

In the incarnation in which Lord Maitreya was appointed to the office of the World Teacher, he was a young, beautiful prince of Benares-Kaashi in Northern India, who was considered to be very intelligent and virtuous. 

He knew the martial arts as well as the wisdom teachings, and he was also a great healer.

 In his younger days, he heard of Parasara, the World Teacher back then. 

So he travelled to the Himalayas to meet the master, around whom he found many advanced souls. He felt as if he had come home. 

Parasara permitted him to stay and trained him together with three other disciples on the same level of wisdom. 

Parasara explained to them: “The Highest Lord has decided to come to the planet and he needs some co-workers for His work. My work will be fulfilled when I can hand over to Him these helpers.” Maitreya was very much inspired by these words. 

He returned home and explained the whole wisdom that he had received to his father and also explained the plan of the descent of the Avatar. 

Then he requested that he should be relieved from his princely responsibilities, so that he can work for the Plan. The father was happy about the decision of his son and gave the succession to the throne to the brother of Maitreya.

After having achieved yogic powers through his training, Maitreya came with the proposal to his teacher that he would like to work for the Light and fight against evil. 

Parasara told him: “Since you have been born in a royal family, there is still the instinct of fighting within you. If however you stoop to fighting, you will lose this wisdom and destroy yourself.

 If you continue with the truth, you will have the opportunity to experience some of the highest enlightenments.” And thus Maitreya learned that destroying evil through fighting is not part of the divine Plan, but rather enlightening the ignorant. 

A man of wisdom should realise the duality of life and settle in the golden mean. It is his task to transform ignorance into knowledge, darkness into light and evil into good. 

Those seeming opposites complement each other; synthesis serves to accept duality and to transcend it, without taking sides. 

The talks between Maitreya and Parasara were recorded in the very first purana, the Vishnu Purana. 

The details of the biography of Lord Maitreya are contained in the Bhagavatam Purana and also in the book “Music of the Soul” by Master EK.

 There are countless stories in the Puranas telling of the great beings who are guiding us today.

The Radiant White Robe

Together with Parasara and other masters Maitreya participated in a ritual which provided a pure EATHERIC  body, into which the avatar, Lord Krishna, could descent. 

This body is also called the radiant white robe and has been maintained on the planet: 

Before Krishna finally left his body, he transferred this etheric body to Lord Maitreya. 

According to the wisdom teachings this body of light was later also given to Gautama Buddha and again to Jesus during the last three years of his life. 

Therefore Jesus was called the Christ, and Jesus referred to it when speaking of his radiant white robe. 

The great initiate Shankaracharya also had the same etheric body. 

This robe was given as a blessing, so that the teaching of synthesis and of compassion could be imparted to the people from time to time.

Through Lord Krishna Maitreya achieved awareness of synthesis. 

Sri Krishna gave him the wisdom as a plan for the future, how the wisdom is to be spread and darkness is to be transformed into light, and also how those who hate and kill are to be included into the synthesis. 

Krishna promised him to give His presence for the fulfilment of this plan, for the presence, the soul awareness, can transform and lift up the personality.

The Community of Lord Maitreya

Krishna also gave Maitreya the direction for the foundation of the Spiritual Hierarchy, as it is existing on the planet. 

An esoteric triangle was formed between Lord Maitreya, Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi, through which the entire hierarchy manifested itself.

 A lower triangle was formed with their main disciples, 

Master Djwhal Khul and two other masters. Together with Buddha in the centre they form a septenary that works for the benefit of the planet in order to manifest the Plan.

At his departure from the physical, Lord Krishna installed Maitreya as the World Teacher to help people on the path of evolution. 

Since then, Maitreya has imparted the “Word” through the path of yoga, through service and sacrifice. “Yoga” means “union” and stands for the state of fusion of the individual self with the Divine. 

And yoga practice means the transformation of the human nature through systematic, scientific exercises.

This subtle process has been going on for more than 5,000 years. Some people realise it and consciously cooperate with it. If we are receptive and align with it, it is more active for us, but it progresses, whether we recognize it or not. 

To say that Lord Maitreya is coming nearer only means that his work has come into the lives of many and that perhaps we are opening now our window.

The community of Lord Maitreya arises out of the unification of souls and overcoming of the personalities. We must see what we have in common. 

An awareness of the differences leads us to disagreements and diverging opinions. If we look at what is common we tend to be more together in communities. 

Thus we connect ourselves with the soul in the others. At first we see ourselves, the light in us, then we see the light in the others. Then we try to see the light in all others. Thus nothing but light remains.

“Maitreya, in Buddhism, the future Buddha, a Buddha who will be reborn in a period of decline to renew the doctrine of the founder of Buddhism, 

The Buddha. Maitreya is believed to be a bodhisattva, one who refuses entry into nirvana, a transcendent state free from suffering, out of a compassionate desire to help others. At present, he is believed to reside in Tushita Heaven, where he awaits his rebirth which is expected to occur in 30,000 years”. - 


Before  the onset of the Mahabharata War Vidura leaves the scene on pilgrimage because he is in total disagreement with what is  going on under Duryodhana’s leadership in Hastinapura.  He comes back after several years but in the meantime he meets Uddhava, a relative as well as a most sincere devotee of Krishna,  on the banks of the Yamuna. To Vidura’s enquiry about Krishna, Uddhava  had to break the news of the end of Krishna’s life on earth. 

Uddhava also told Vidura how Maitreya had met Krishna at the same time as he met him and how the Lord had instructed Maitreya to teach Vidura the supreme wisdom about the Atman. Though Uddhava himself was capable of teaching Vidura, and though the latter was eager to learn it from him, Uddhava wanted to obey the Lord’s last command  and accordingly, 

Vidura was directed to go to Maitreya.
So we now have a long conversation between Vidura and Maitreya.  The subjects dealt with cover a wide range – like,  

Brahma’s original creation called ‘sarga’ consisting of the elementary creation of sixteen items of matter,  and further elaborate  details  of  various subcreations, which together constitute what  is called ‘visarga’.
Before Creation the Lord, the Soul of all souls (*AtmA  AtmanAM vibhuH *  - III – 5 – 23) was the Only One.. When there was no Seer nor Seen, it appeared as if there was a void. During Creation, by His icchA shakti He appears to be multifold. 

The Lord created this universe of multiplicity out of His own Cause. The Cause and Effect were the same. This phenomenon is called mAyA. (III – 5 – 25):
sA vA etasya sandrashhTuH shaktis-sad-asadAtmikA /
mAyA nAmA mahAbhAga yayedaM nirmame vapuH //
The latent Power in Him as Eternal Time caused the manifestation of the mahat-tatva, the supreme sum-total of matter, from  which all the manifested universe of matter arose. Maitreya gives a fantastic amount  of details about creation. And Vidura asks very  pertinent questions.
 “How is it, the Absolute which is immutable and which is beyond all guNas, resorts to action resulting in creation of the universe?  

Even as a Leela, is it not incompatible with the nirguNa nature of the Transcendental Absolute?” (III – 7 – 2).
“You said, Oh Maitreya, that it is through avidyA  (Cosmic Ignorance)  that the Lord creates, sustains and dissolves the universe. But He the Almighty is beyond time and space. How did He  associate Himself   with avidyA? 

In all bodies the experiencer that is the jIva is also nothing but a  spark of the Absolute. How can he then lose the Bliss that he came from and how can he suffer because of actions?” (III – 7 – 4 to 6).
Maitreya replies (III – 7 – 9):
seyaM  bhagavato mAyA yanna yena virudhyate /
Ishvarasya vimuktasya kArpaNyam-uta bandhanaM //
In fact, it appears to be a contradiction that to the Lord who is devoid of all avidyA, there happens due to avidyA  a bondage  and a fall of Knowledge. This appearance is nothing but mAyA. Just like, in a dream, a person dreams that his head has been cut off. Just like, the reflected moon in water assumes all the vibratory movements of the water.  

So the non-real BMI produces the appearance to the dreamer-jIva and not to the Lord. The same guNas of the BMI reach their end by the practice of renunciation and by  Bhakti in  the Lord. When the senses are taken away from their objects, all sorrows and experiences merge in the fullness of the Absolute, as they do in sleep. (III – 7 - 10 to 12).
At this point, there is a beautiful analogy by Shri Jnaneshvar for illustrating the “Actionlessness” of the Lord.  

In a forest, a monkey and a human being , scared of a lion which is chasing them, climb a tree and station themselves on the branches of the tree, safely away from the clutches of the lion. The lion keeps banging on  the shadow of the monkey. Every time the lion hits the monkey’s shadow, the monkey on the tree gives out a shriek, jumps from branch to branch and thus gets more and more excited.  In its excitement, in due time, after its shadow has received a few beatings from the lion’s paw, the monkey falls from the tree and duly becomes an easy prey for the lion. Now the lion starts beating the shadow of the man, but the man uses his discretion and is unperturbed by the lion’s beating of his shadow. Finally, the lion gets tired,  goes its way and the man is saved. 

Now Jnaneshvar says, when experiences, good or bad happen to you, think that they are happening to your shadow; then you will not be affected either by happiness or by misery. 

The Lord behaves like that in every one of His actions and so He is not touched by them !
Creation is nothing but the imbalance in the guNas in the Cosmic Personality, caused by His mAyA. 
This first creation is the mahat principle. 
From this is created ahamkAra. 
From this the tanmAtras  which cause the five elements, and the subtle seeds of jnAnendriyas and karmendriyas. 

The fourth stage of creation is the indriyas themselves. 

The fifth is the set of devatAs which are the substrata for the indriyas. 

The sixth is tamas or avidyA. 
All these six stages of creation constitute the prAkrta creation. 
Next comes the universe of matter including all plants that go up to grow but show no external signs of consciousness.  

The eighth is the world of birds and animals. No consciousness of the future, a mind of darkness, capacity of different kinds of intuitive sense and an ignorance of the self – these are the common characterisitics  of the world of birds and animals.
The ninth stage of creation  is the human species.  

Food goes downward in them. They are rajas-dominated. They concentrate on their work. They find pleasure even in misery.  

The seventh, eighth and ninth creations constitute what is called vaikRRita-sRRishhTi.
Beyond this there is the creation of devas and asuras, gandharvas, yakshas, rakshasas, bhutas, pitRs, kinnaras  etc.
All this is the work of the Absolute who takes the form of Brahma and through him carries out the different creations. 

All creation is only with respect to the three lokas – bhUloka, bhuvar-loka and suvar-loka. 

All that is animate and inanimate, all pitrs, and all devas and asuras are constituents of  these three worlds bhU, bhuvaH and suvaH and they rise and fall, in each day of Brahma’s kalpa. 

Beyond this there are four more lokas,  (maho-loka, jano-loka, tapo-loka and satya-loka) which do not come under the daily creation and dissolution scheme of Brahma’s cosmic day (kalpa).
When creation comes Time also starts ticking. 

There are four yugas: kRRita, tretA, dvApara and kali. 
Their durations  are respectively  4k, 3k, 2k and k,
where k = 432,000 years.
 The four yugas together constitute one chatur-yuga. It has 10k, that is 4,320,000 years, or 4.32 million years.  

One thousand such chaturyugas constitute one day  of Brahma. In other words the duration of one Brahma’s day is  4.32 billion human years. 
One day of Brahma (also called Cosmic Day) is technically known as  one kalpa. 

In one kalpa there would be fourteen Manus. 
Each Manu is the physical King of the universe during his period of Manu-ship, called a Manvantara. 

 Its duration is a little more than 71 Chatur-yugas. Brahma’s nights are as long as His days. Kalpa after kalpa, creation and dissolution go on. Each year of Brahma has 360 cosmic days and nights 

The present Brahma has already spent His fifty years of an allotted total of a hundred years of  life. The second half has just started. 

Each half is called a parArdha. His ‘today’ is the first day (first kalpa) of his second  ‘parArdha’.  (Also see Hindu Concept of Time). By the way parArdha is a mathematical word in Sanskrit denoting 1017.
The powers of 10 upto the power 17 have technical words in Sanskrit:

On the very first day of His first parArdha, that is, on Day 1 of His life (of 100  Brahma years) that was the day on which the Vedas came out from His breath by the call of the Absolute.  

That first kalpa is called ‘brAhma kalpa’.
At the end of the first parArdha (50 Brahma years), there was the last kalpa called pAdma-kalpa, because in that kalpa, Brahma came out from the divine Lotus springing from the navel of Narayana.  The present kalpa is called ‘shveta-varAha kalpa’.
The first creations of Brahma were the four kumAras, named, Sanaka, Sanandana, SanAtana and Sanatkumara.

 But from the time of their creation they were enlightened  and so they did not prefer to contribute to further creation. 

Brahma got angry at the failure of purpose of his very first creation and from his anger rose Rudra and all his gaNas.   

Brahma went back for meditation, at the end of which he created the ten PrajApatis, known by the names:

Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Brighu, Vasishta, Daksha and Narada. There also came out Yama and two other  prajApatis called Kardama and Ruchi. And at the end of these creations, his own body (Brahma’s body)  split into two, one male and one female. The male form became to be known as SvAyambhuva and the female form as ShatarUpA.  After this, creations of the human species  were in the worldly manner  of biological union.
SvAyambhuva was the first Manu of the present kalpa. From him  ShatarUpA  gave birth to two  sons, Priyavrata and Uttanapada and three daughters AkUti, DevahUti and PrasUti.  

These three were given in marriage respectively to the prajApatis Ruchi, Kardama and Daksha.  From these three couples the world began populated.
All this is told in the first 12 chapters of the third skanda. 

Thereafter seven chapters (from #13 to 19) are devoted to Varaha Avatar and the killing of Hiranyaksha. We shall take this up when we come to Narasimha avatar, in the seventh skanda.
Continuing the story of creation, we take up the story of Kardama-Devahuti couple.  Before they were married, Kardama did a monumental tapas for 10000 years. 

The Lord appeared before him and commanded him to accept Devahuti when she is presented to him by Svayambhuva Manu. Kardama was also told by the Lord that the Lord Himself would be born to him, after he begets nine daughters from Devahuti.
Svayambhuva Manu came to Kardama’s Ashram on the banks of the Saraswati and offered his daughter Devahuti in marriage. Kardama accepted it on condition that he will stay as a married householder only till a son is born to him. 

The Manu accpted this condition and the marriage took place with all rituals from ShAstras. In fact this was the first marriage ritual ever performed. To remember this and propitiate this couple, even today, our marriage homas and havans  have a whole package of  mantras offering ghee and samit in the Fire  with the invocation: “devahUtyAM svAhA”.
Satisfied more than ever by the services rendered by his devoted wife Devahuti, he granted her by his yogic powers all that he had acquired by his tapas, samAdhi, vidyA and yoga.  

The superhumanly  conjugal and amorous pastimes  that this first couple enjoyed for 100 years are elaborately described in Chapter 23 of the third skanda. Kardama created a vimAna for her and took her around the whole world. He split himself into nine bodies and gave her superlative sensual pleasure.  She gave birth to nine daughters on the same day. They are known as
KalA, anasUyA, ShraddhA, HavirbhU, Gati, KriyA, KhyAti, arundhati and ShAnti.
These were given in marriage respectively to
Marichi, atri, angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Brighu, Vasishta and atharvA.
Devahuti yearned for a son. When Kardama Prajapati expressed his intention to renounce the householder Ashrama, Devahuti pleaded with him to give her a son and then go. They also remembered how the Lord Himself had promised earlier to Kardama Prajapati that He will be born to him as a son. 

The time has come now. In expressing this Devahuti makes a thought-provoking statement. “Oh Lord of my life! All these years  I did not understand your spiritual greatness. I wasted my time in sensualities.  But my attachment to you cannot be said to be misplaced.
 If one cultivates attachment to persons who are ignoble, then that will lead to further samsAra. Whereas, attachment placed on nobilities like you actually leads to the end of all attachment.  (III – 23 – 55).
So my attachment to worldly things has all vanished now. Please enlighten me on the Self”. 
In reply to this, Kardama tells her that she is going to have the Lord Himself as her son. He is going to be a great sage called Kapila.  He will impart to  her, says Kardama PrajApati, that spiritual wisdom for which she is rightly yearning.
The Lord kept His promise. He incarnated as their son, Kapila. 

The father Kardama knowing full well that it is the Lord who has come as their son, made prostrations to the Avatar, entrusted the mother to the son and left for the forest to do his tapas. In due time he reached his divine destination.
Now comes a sequence of seven chapters (#s 26 to 32), which constitute Sage Kapila’s teachings to Devahuti, his mother, on the spiritual path and goal. 

These chapters are known as Kapila Gita and form an important part of the Bhagavatam.

Now Master EK took his office. LORD Maitreya Stood as Buddha for the planet .

Monday 28 March 2022

Master EK ERA & Master CVV Age

         Masters Timeline 
Am- After Master & PM- Pre Master 

Master   CVV  Yuga-112 years …         
Master   EK     Era-  38 years..

By   M.P  Rao .                                                    
Editor Mihira 

Time was divide into  Ages Eras ,Centuries , periods cycles, and years , months ,days  but according of Vedic Astrology  Time was demarcated by  Days and Nights of Brahma, Lord four faced , periods of Manu, Greater Ages of Kalpa of Lord Vishnu,   Greater years of Yugas,   and divine years of Lineages of Gurus. Various Gurus name come into Timeline for various people around the world, as how Time was demarcated by Juliean calendar as After Christ and Before Christ , so also in India time was calculated  from the time of departure of world teacher Lord Shankaracharya.marked time with his presence.  Gurus becomes embodiment of Time for students who follow him , he protects his students with his shell of protection from various aberration’s of time and nourishes the humanity under their spiritual protection.  As how chick delivers out of the egg in time so also  students of gurus and spiritual protected and nourished under time egg of guru where guru become spiritual timeline for his students. Hence forth years of Lord Shankaracharya were added after his ascension and Name of Christ was also added after ascension  of Master Jesus Christ . So also several guru s marked their name in the spiritual Time line beside great historians and Empires who ruled the Earth as whole. 

The advent of Aquarian Age in 1868 marked Aquarian age birth of Master CVV  in Kumbhakonam and his initiation of Master CVV yoga  Kumbha Yoga  marked his age Kumbha Yuga. Kumbha  means Aquarius sign in one sense and  New  yoga. From then for  his followers  Master CVV marked as  a mark in time cycle . master CVV became an embodiment of time he made planetary adjustments through his yoga and also changed planetary principle’s and planetary workings he changed spiritual course of their movements and made planetary adjustments.  Master also made special spiritual channels between stars constellation’s and solar systems  he also made zodiac alignments with ever changing lords of time ``He gave them to his students as part and parcel of his yoga. These celestial workings are not only astronomical changes but also exert spiritual and  Astrological changes upon the beings born after his celestial workings.  He gave special meditations courses on Zodiac  Adjustments, Planetary Regulations and Stellar Workings. Those who does these meditations and courses  in the life of the devotees  thee will be spiritual stimulation  celestial workings of Master CVV as astrological workings and spiritual changes in their life.   for those families who does Master CVV Prayer in her homes the life pattern and astrological implications and workings of planets and signs work in a different way for such families master CVV becomes embodiment live wire of Time he takes care of all working of time in his pattern so master CVV also demarcated Time as pre Master P.M and A. M after Master  A.M .The Time Line after Master CVV is considered as Master CVV Sakha or Yuga. From   1910- 2022 May 29 forms 112 years  an  Occult Number of initiation for Master CVV  yoga to earth. Master   CVV Yuga-112 years …   

After Master CVV Master EK  a Great Light descended on earth to initiate with  the Master CVV yoga and Maitreya consciousness  or Kirshna consciousness.  Along with master CVV yoga he amalgamated seven rays of solar logos gave synthetic formula of spiritual teaching to world he gave secret teachings of all Ages,  he became beacon of light and spiritual  medium  for higher forces of Nature,  he became higher bridge between stars planets and zodiac. He himself became healer  of the world preached scriptures healed sick using Neptunium Ray of Homeopathy and yoga of Master CVV.  Master EK also gave yearly zodiac meditations, planetary symbols and stellar colours of meditations along with master CVV course of daily prayers he also adjoined Vedic verses and occult invocations of Master and their hierarchy. He gave daily rituals and traditions worship with many secret hymns and  Lord Shankaracharya secret verses of spirituality  presented to his student synthetic ritual lore and also gave vedic masonic temple of eastern and western  spiritual schools of  thought. 
Master EK also casted spiritual light when adjoined with Master CVV yoga he bought down cosmic principle’s  of  solar system and  planetary principles of earth  into this  world  made a synthetic spiritual platform for lords of Time to work out evolutionary plan of earth and its beings. Master EK also embodiment of time of  New Era, where Master meets Man through his seven centres through a regular Meet of pair of prayers of master CVV at 6 am and ^pm he became Meet Centres for Angels and Men . So Master EK also marked the Timeline  along with his gurus as  beginning of New Era  of spiritual years from his Ascent of body on full moon in Pisces,  March 17 1984, for his disciples and people of his faith.   Master sanctified time line with his spiritual initiation of Neptunian principles of sage Narada,  Maitreya and Lord Krishna   years those people of faith born in the home where master EK is venerated along with Master CVV , the children are marked with his spiritual  illumination  and transcendental presence. Hence for his disciples years are marked in his name Sri Krismacharaya Samvastras years of world teacher EK 37 years form his date of Ascension . Master   EK     Era-  38 years.. His spiritual Ascension became door of spiritual descent for those who follow him 
May the Cosmic Masters  Master CVV Master EK bless  upcoming generations with their blessing and tread the student in their Path and wisdom

Thursday 17 March 2022

Master CVV Master EK Spiritual Timeline

 Vishnu always comes as a King upon earth establish Law Lord shiva comes down as Spiritual Teacher .Spiritual Hierarchies of the world work for the Hari and Hara to make this Earth beautiful planet. 

In this order Lord descended on Earth as Lord Rama through solar Rays of Sun and Lord Krishna came down through lunar rays of Moon. Rama established Ramarajyam to propound Dharama upon planet give a  way of Life. Lord Krishna came down to earth to save dharma and give eternal wisdom to lead yogic Life. In this  perspective Lord Rama gave Divine Will, and Lord Krishna gave Divine Love. 
Lord Krishna gave new definition to the for A World Teacher and after his demise he place Lord Maitreya as a  world teacher in his  office. Master KH is trained for it presently Master Moriya trained for the King for the Earth in spiritual.plane. Hence in this path Master CVV descended through ray of will gave yoga of Aquarian Light and Master EK descended in ray of Love worked our plan of World Teacher Maitreya establish plan of Lord Krishna. 

Hence both became king and world teacher in present age to lead the humanity through yoga and wisdom. Master CVV yoga and Master EK transdentilism can change timeline for the students of faith in the path and even working if time who believe and import them as no second thought. For those of faith they both become spiritual Timeline Master CVV Age has been started after first  May Call day and Master EK Era has started after his Sacrifice of Body in the light of Man sacrifice.  Master CVV 111 Divine years have passed Till to date, Master EK 38 years (1984-2022) Divine year's have passed till to date  . Master EK turned city Visakhapatnam into Vaishak Valley spiritual city upcoming World Spiritual Centre. Master EK became a conspicuous point in time. He verily became Time for his students Master CVV can even change course of time through zodiac adjustments planetary workings and stellar mapings. Hence Master EK through Master CVV spiritual pair who works out evolution of present age through marinated time cycles.  Master EK vardhanthi is such holy point of start of New Era. Master Ek disciples became his mediums in carrying out his plan and work Mihira is one such among few working out New Era Plan. May New year in New Era of Master EK bring prosperity plentiness peace upon Earth.

With Regards 
MP Rao 
Editor Mihira 


Tuesday 15 March 2022

Man Sacrifice Master Sacrifice.

                 Spiritual Time Line 
Master EK Era -38 Divine years 
                          1984- 2022
MAster EK presented world a yogic way of approach of death through his book Man Sacrifice a drama of Lord Krishna Death well portrayed between Lord Krishna and his Disciples. Death of minerals is birth of stones for Man. Death of plants is food for animals and humans. Death of animals is food for Humans and welfare of humanity. Death of humans is birth of Angels and Daemons. Death of Angels and God is birth of Creation and world welfare. Masters, Adepts, Saints adopt this process and imitate in their lives. Master EK also imitated Death of Lord Krishna in his life verily in Astrologolical and spiritual way.  Master EK present this wonderful book on the eve of Death of his father Bhaghavan Ananthancharya.  

Man sacrifice is called great ritual of Death conduct on Earth in biological scale by Nature to elevate the humanity into higher spheres of Light. When it is conducted by men is is great sin. When it is natural is evolution, when it is conducted by Man under supervision of Master through yoga it is Ascencion, when it is crossed through crucifixion for the elevation of Humanity it is Sacrifice. Man sacrifice. Master EK is one such light of the century conducted great sacrifice for global welfare.

 His Divine Death is Divine Gateway for his students. Death of Master Demarcates Time as before Master as Pre Master PM and after Master AM.For followers of faith Death of Master initiates  New year for disciples which gives Yearly Plan of work and yearly forecasts. So Year's of time are marked as divine year's of Guru. We welcome Master EK Divine year 38 in his Holiness Spirtual Mark of the year.🙏we wish all advance New Year.

Each spiritual order Nation,  basing on their culture follow spiritual orders of Years which works as spiritual lineage of Time which works as the the the spiritual working of Time to their followers of Faith hence it becomes spiritual timeline. Time works as spiritual. ambience initiates with spiritual periods cycles of Time in Astrological Anthropological orders.

                                        With Regards
                                       Editor Mihira
                                 M.P RAO