Mihira wishes all Holy Gita Jayanthi to all.
It's 5159 years todate, since Lord Krisha gave out the World the way of life to the whole Globe initiated the planet with his luminous teaching. He gave the humanity yogic way of life. Mahabharata is great epic of the world History rich in Heritage spiritual culture and many spiritul secrets.
Today is the Day where Lord Krishna in the epitome of Narayana the supreme God,gave out the Geetha the eighteen fold formula of Life , in the edge of war of Mahabharata which was conducted 18 days , to Arjuna epitome of Man the humanity as a whole , which was written as great epic Mahabharata compiled with 18000 poems by Great sage Veda vyasa. He named the great epic as Jaya means 18,in a way . One who reads this epic Geetha gains victory over himself . Gaining sucess in the world is called Vijaya. Victory over oneself body mind senses and soul is called Jaya so the two qualites are personified as Two door keepers of Lord Vishnu and the war between Pandavas and kaurvas symblosize the inner fight of man between good and evil, the permanent and temporal values, the morality and immorality, and the senses and illusion.same time they symbolize the soul and body.
The sprit of God and the Man stands between the two armies , in one charriot of Man as spirit and Soul lead the battle of life ,trespass the struggles of karma, to gain Jaya and Vijay . The drama of life of Nara and Narayana is allegorised as Krishna Arjuna samvadha the Geetha. One who lives his life in accordance the Geetha best books in the world gaina victory over all scales of life.
The conversation between the questionerer and the answerer at any point of time between any two persons is said to be role of Krishna and Arjunaso it is called Ithi Hasa May the historical event lead the humanity into better way of life culture the people with spirituality and enrich them with morality elevate them into yogic life . Mihira wishe holy Geetha Jayanthi to all. Few celebrate the evt with rituals while few celebrate with chanting reading the holy scripture while few others pray and meditate upon the sacred names scriptural meditations and venerate the God.
Editor Mihira
Krishna Pradyumna.
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