Thursday 18 August 2022

Krishnastmi August 19.2022

.  Online Digital Publication at Mihira app.
Krishnastmi is one of the holy days in the year. Lord Krishna bought Exprience of Go Loka Sirius constellation to elevate the earth from demonoic forces. He enacted three grand rituals of Bhaghavatha, Mahabharatha and Mandra Jala initiated planet with his utmost presence. Even today Lord Krishna works through Lord Maitreya carries his work on planet. Lord Krishna is utmost purna avatar of dasavtaras of lord Vishnu his every act when meditated paves to  salvation. He blesses all with his presence on this day Many Masters yogis saints work out hisngranduer plan till date his World teacher for the present times .

Today also happens to be birthday of Master MN. Disciple of the Lord student of Master CVV who is also disciple  of The Lord Krishna. 
Mihira in the light of Master EK and Master MN and Master MRL conducts vedic and meditations on this day  

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