December 22 is cardinal point of the year. It is called Longest Night of the year Dusk of Man DAWN of God's. This Day also called recognised by Vedic seers as Day of Sage Deergathamas. Sage Markendeya Saint Mark of gave out Vedic hymns and special Rituals venaration of night as form of Godess Of illusion MahaMaya and . Isis.
Day from Dec 22 to June 21 is Uttarayana where sun change course of path in space, Northern Journey which incur electricity is space in due time transformed as EMF currents of the year for 6 months ayana with Longest day of the year symbolised by Arc called Arch of the temple Makara throrana from today is holy royal arch where sun and planets travels underneath arch to bring out light on longest day this symbolism of the Egyptian sun God Ra.
According to few it is called Birth days of Jesus the Christ born today made his appearence to humanity on Dec 25 to.escape the veils of Time Three stars on sky lead three Masters from India to see Infant Jesus. Master DK gave detailed version this symbolism In his book Bethelem to calavary.
Master CVV called it as Meridian Point of the year, Meridian Adjustments was the meditation given by Master where tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn called line of Meridian Master called it as Vertical levels. TODAY the Sun with Pluto forms trine with Jupiter with Taurus, Uranus, and where four planets formed on fixed cross marking the cosmic pulsations to experience Man.
This year Indian festival Geetha jayanthi Vaikunta Ekadasi also falls with this day adding much spritual significance to it.
May the Spritual students utilise this day be benefited.
Editor Mihira
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