Monday, 25 December 2023

Vaibhava Datta Jayanathi and Guru Paramparam.

Lord Dattatreya is Lord Of Yoga . He is one of 24 special Avatars of Lord Vishnu descent was give light of Yoga to world and initiate Guruparampara among Men.

Datta  Sampreyeda was many. Among which 9 traditions  are familiar. Avadootha,  Swechachara,   Natha sampredeya ,  Guru charithara, Digambara , are   prominent among them.  

There are ten types of Dattatreya Aradhana. Guru sampradaya was one where Disciple gets initiated by Light of Guru into the Path 🙏 Few follow the  path of Sainthood while few others follow Gruhasta Dharama. Dattatreya came down in Kali Yuga in various forms as  Sri Guru Sri pada Sri  Vallabha,  Bhaghavan Shiridi Sai, Bhaghawan  Satya Sai  Baba and slowly  traditions emerged as Guru Paramparam. They took  the asthetic path. 

Master EK garu   took Gruhasta DharamaGurusampradaya, Swechachara margha, stood as Jagat Guru  in light of Lord Maitreya And Lord Krishna. HE LIVED AS Guru. Tatava and intitiated many into the path. Master EK initiatied  very few into the path of swechhachara ,   Master MRL garu  was one such.  He was intiated into Swechhachara of Datta sampradaya also after completion of course in Panchayata upasana by his Guru , changed his Gotra of Atri. Master MRL then  venerated Vaibhava Datta  at feet of his Guru as Himself now became an  embodiment of Sri Lord Vaibhava Datta. He Performed his son s marriage in this tradition and in the temple of Dattatreya and gave peetha .  Master MRL garu also followed the Datta sampradeya now intiated  very few choosen  into Viabhava datta samprayadayaMihira magazine has published Sri Guru Charitha in English and published book on his birthday also Now few  followers are reading Vaibha datta Charitha parayana. 

Lord Dattatreya Light descends through Gurupeetha and Guruparampara of various paths in India.  Many spiritual schools of thought are following this path.  Guru samprayedaya ever continues to intiate the Nascent into the path . 

Sri Guru Datta always comes to the discples in three different forms, thrice in the life only .  Student if he passes test of Datta he will be bestowed the darshan blessed  with the path and light.  

May the Gurus and their students  bless all of us in  their path and light lead us at the feet of Dattatreya.

Sir Guru Datta 
Jai Guru Datta
Sri Guru Datta Digambara 
Jai Guru Datta Digambara.

With  veneration

Editor Mihira 
M.Pradyumna Rao. 

Thursday, 21 December 2023

Dec 22 Longest Night of the year

With the blessings of Master CVV, Master EK Master MRL Madam Vanaja  garu Master ISR garu Mihira wishes holy Deergha thams Jayanti Vaikunta Ekadasi 2023. 

 December 22  is cardinal point of the year. It is called  Longest Night of the year Dusk of Man DAWN of God's. This Day also called recognised by Vedic seers as Day of Sage Deergathamas. Sage Markendeya Saint Mark of  gave out Vedic hymns and special  Rituals venaration of night as form of Godess Of illusion MahaMaya and . Isis.

Day from Dec 22 to June 21 is Uttarayana  where sun change course of path in space, Northern Journey  which incur electricity is space in due time  transformed as EMF currents of the year for 6 months ayana  with Longest day of the year symbolised by Arc   called Arch of the temple Makara throrana from today is holy royal arch where  sun and planets travels underneath arch to bring out light on longest day this symbolism of the  Egyptian sun God Ra. 
According to few it is called Birth days of Jesus  the Christ born today made his appearence to humanity on Dec 25 to.escape the veils of Time Three stars on sky lead three Masters from India to see Infant Jesus. Master DK gave detailed version this symbolism  In his book Bethelem to calavary.

Master CVV called it as Meridian Point of the year,  Meridian Adjustments was the meditation given by Master where tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn called line of Meridian Master called it as Vertical levels. TODAY the Sun  with Pluto forms trine with Jupiter with Taurus, Uranus,  and  where four planets formed on fixed cross marking the cosmic pulsations to experience Man. 

This year Indian festival Geetha jayanthi Vaikunta Ekadasi also falls with this day adding much spritual significance to it. 
May the Spritual students utilise this day be benefited. 

Editor Mihira


Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Master MRL Ascended at the Feet of Master EK -The World TEACHER, on 17-December in Vaishak Valley.

Master MRL garu one of the choosen Disciple of Master EK lived his Life at the feet of the Master in Vaishak Valley .His profession Marriage, generation , spritual lineage was set and changed by Master EK in his plan. MASTER HOOD WAS bestowed became Master MRL . In his devotion Master MRL garu dedicated his life in his work at the feet of the Master EK.  Mihira was one such offering to feet of Master. 

"Physical Death is spiritual birth , spiritual death is physical birth" as said in scriptures. Saints .Masters Gurus use their Death as sacrificial ritual at altar of world weal and  welfare. Saints and Masters imitate their death in pattern of Avataras God's, Disciples imitate their death in pattern of their Gurus Masters. Master EK imitated death of Lord Krishna in his death ritual hence Enacted life of Man Sacrifice Feb 17 is Lord Krishna Death of Physical sheath end of Dwarapara Yuga  and March 17 Master EK day of Ascension the Start of Master EK Era,  MASTER MRL garu imitated the death pattern of Master EK at his death vardhanthi of physical body is  on Dec 17 and lunar mansion is on , Geetha Jayanthi.   

Masters death is Disciple initiation into higher world's Disciple imitate the Art of dying in words of Master D.K it's start of New Time for his followers . Master EK Era started at 39 year s back at his demise . March 17 1984. May the Master lead the followers , students, disciples, in his path and light enlighten souls with soul light and initiate humanity with work of Masters and World Sacrificial altar. 

Death of Masters Gurus become symbol of worship symbolism of scripture which leads their students into path of light,  Master EK Shiridi Sai Baba, swamy Raghavendra, Swami Aurabindo, Bhaghavan Satya Sai, Swami Sivananda Swami Vivekananda Ramakrishna paramahamsa  were few who  beacons of light in last century who showered light to this century also .  Master  Death disciple birth , birth of faith to followers of truth. Master MRL was one who were initiated in Master EK ERA,.

Naskarams Master MRL  became mystic mantra to his followers only . Special rites , occult.Astrological  meditations and rituals were given by Master MRL garu in light of his master which are followed on his birth and death days and daily in our watsapp channel.