Friday, 22 September 2023

Sept 22 Autumnal Equinox - A Day of Shamballa

Sept 22 is called Day of Autmnal Equinox .This day has a paramount importance, in many ways  Astronomical, Astrologlocial Spritual, yogic  and Vedic ways .

Geographically Rotation of Globe and revolution of Planet arround the sun once in a year brings such a position, where day is equal to night and duration of darkness is equal to daylight.
It is called Autumn season a new  cycle in climate starts . 

In yogic import this  Day is called objective  consciousness and Night is called subjective consciousness . Once in ayear day will be equal to night where Yogi finds equipoise of consciousness between day and night objective and subjective planes of consciousness. Spiritual and physical world's .Lord Krishna  Said in Geetha that Yogi who raised above pairs.of opposites visions  my Grand Vision of my form. 

Spritually On this day there will be change in etheric currents and atmosphere in space  as climate which makes yogic impulse in yogi stimulates kundalini . So in spritually  today is a special day where  occult and spiritual meditations will be conducted all over the world to receive light of this day.

In Vedas this day called day of Hiranya Restassu a holy Vedic  saint ,who distributs Vedic light import of this day as work and plan , purpose and destiny, time and karma to the beings in the planet. Few schools of yoga conduct rituals yagnas on this day with special vedic verses  of Rigveda.

According to Few scriptures today holy day where Shamballa doors will be opened for initiation of few pupil under guidance of Lord Maitreya. So few schools.conduct occult and mystic meditations on this Day. 

Astrologically today Planets decipher new set of.plans  to beings called planetary plans.  Libra forms holy sign where it meets master in Aries through lines of  equator  in equal portions of day and year are set apart in through vertical levels  thus arranges hours of the Day through its axsis of rotation . It spurs yogic kundalini to meet with Eart Kundalini.  

Master CVVgaru  yoga Master EK garu spritual psychology meditations and Master MRL garu Spritual Astrology classes articles in magazine gives light, path and map of this day. 

May the Holy Saints, Gurus, Angels , Lord of this Day bestow new set of plan and Path to all being in the planet 🙏 lead us from form to.soul , soul to spirit again.

With Regards
Editor Mihira
M.Pradyumna Rao.

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