Master EK initiated The New Era of Time in space, New Time Cycles with the Planetary epochs in space and has also initiated New plans of life . Master EK has worked out all the plans of New Age and has summarised the past century work also gave paltform for the next century work and gave path to present Century work. Grand Master has demarcated Time cycle veriley as Master EK ERA with his luminous presence and transdental nature.
Master EK a Great Light descended on this Earth to initiate with the Master CVV yoga and Maitreya consciousness or Kirshna consciousness. Along with Master CVV yoga. .Maste has amalgamated seven rays of Solar Logos, gave a synthetic formula of spiritual teaching to the world. Master opened all the secret teachings of all Ages, He verily became a Beacon of Light and spiritual medium for the Higher Forces of Nature. MASTER became the higher bridge between stars ,planets and zodiac. Linked to Earth through Kundalini as his Name.
Master EK himself became Healer of the World preached scriptures healed sick using Neptunium Ray of Homeopathy and yoga of Master CVV. Master EK also gave yearly zodiac meditations, planetary symbols and stellar colours of meditations along with Master CVV course of daily prayers. Master also adjoined Vedic verses and occult invocations of Master and their hierarchy. He gave daily rituals and traditions worship with many secret hymns and Lord Shankaracharya secret verses of spirituality presented to his student synthetic ritual lore and also gave vedic masonic temple of eastern and western spiritual schools of thought.
Master EK also casted spiritual light when adjoined with Master CVV yoga he bought down cosmic principle’s of solar system and planetary principles of Earth into this world, made a synthetic spiritual platform for lords of Time to work out the evolutionary plan of earth and its beings.
Master EK embodiment of Time has initiated New Era, where Master meets Man through his seven centres through a regular Meet of pair of prayers of Master CVV at 6 am and ^6pm Daily. Master formed the Meet Centres for Angels and Men . So Master EK also marked the Timeline along with his gurus as beginning of New Era of spiritual years from his Ascent of body on full moon in Pisces, March 17 1984, for his disciples and people of his faith.
Master sanctified Timeline with his spiritual initiation of Neptunian principles of sage Narada, Maitreya and Lord Krishna years those people of faith born in the home where master EK is venerated along with Master CVV , the children are marked with his spiritual illumination and transcendental presence. Hence for his disciples years are marked in his name Sri Krismacharaya Samvastras years of world teacher EK 39 years form his date of Ascension . Master EK Era- 39 years.. His spiritual Ascension became door of spiritual descent for those who follow him
May the Cosmic Masters Master CVV Master EK bless upcoming generations with their blessing and tread the student in their Path and wisdom.
Editor Mihira
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