Thursday, 30 March 2023

March 31 Patanjali Maharshi Jayanti 31.3.2023

Master EK garu  Declared and venerated March 31 as Patanjali Maharshi Jayanti. Many Students and Disciples of Master EK started celebrating this Day as Patanjali Jayanti. Master MRL RAO garu venerated this Day as Patanjali Jayanthi in the light of his Guru every Year. Conducted by many yoga discourses Workshops and spread teaching of Master EK and Maharshi  Patanjali  . Through Mihira he has conducted courses of Teachings patanajali yoga sutras and From.2014  started conductting Bio Music therapy sessions Single Raga therapy of music agains psychological and physiological diseases. Mihira still follows in its foot steps.

Maharshi Patanjali is incarnation of Lord Adisesha Thousand headed Serpent God came down as Patanjali Maharshi who gave illumination to world through Eight fold Astanga Yoga to get liberated from the world of Astaprakruthi to reach feet of Lord Narayana Astaswaroopa  through yogic revelation through  sahasrara chakra unmeeelana Master CVV called it as simulations existence in all planes is called Yoga .  

Mihira in the foot steps of Gurus and Founders is conducting  March 31 Patanajali Maharshi Jayanti and offering BioMusic therapy in the lines of Single Raga Therapy against pain sustaining and disease healing. 

May the Lord Adisesha Maharshi Patanjali Master CVVgaru  Master EK garu  Master MRL garu bless the Humanity on this sacred Day shower light of yoga and tread us on this path. 

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

March 21/ 22 International Astrological Day

March 21/22  forms  International Astrological Day. March forms Vernal Equinox where Duration of Day = Night . It brings Equibalance of  light and darkness and Equipoise of yogic consciousness. It marks the  first Day of the Year , beginning of circular year. It symbolises Head of the  year Lord . There are many yogic  imports for the day.

 Many Spiritualist Astrologist all over the world conduct many Spritual meditations rituals today invoke the Astrological New year  . Master CVV marked the years with his yogic consciousness and Master EK elobaratedly given  one year Spritual Meditions in his books Spiritual Psychology.   MADAM HPB explained this in her book Vernal Equinox . Vedic rituals Vedants of the ancient given yearly rituals on this day and few read Holy Scriptures from today  New moon and yearly cycles also happens occassionally today merge of Solar and Lunar New year where yearly  song of Gayatri Mantra is conducted by planetary movements in space . 

Master CVV gave this As to all  Zodiacal Adjustments ,Planetary Regulations and stellar simulations in hsi yogic courses 

Master MRL garu have Yearly Meditions with spritual Astrological.Key as Zodiacal Mysteries ,Planetary Plans , Stellar Splendours in the Light of Master CVV Master EK and Master DK along with his Spiritual  Elegance. . 

May all Masters and Gurus  of Yoga bless the Humanity new year with lead the Spritual Destiny of Nations, pace of Human races, spritual Congregation of Continents of the World in path of world weal and welfare. 

Very Happy New Year to All. 

Editor Mihira 

Thursday, 16 March 2023

Master EK ERA 39yrs-.March 17 1984-2023

Master Sacrifice creates Time Cycles. Death of Master demarcates the Time for their followers as PreMaster And After Master. Master EK Light of the 19th Century and Spritual Beacon and The  World Teacher for the  20th Century.  He has  lightened the Century with his spritual illumination. He has  bought down Message of the World Teacher. He gave it as the  World Path and as Spritual Solution to average Men of the World . He has opened every branch of wisdom with his light  a new vision and gave the Humanity several keys of wisdom through his Works , Books and  Speeches. He has amalgamated many spritual paths of spritual gurus and gave a syethentic way of Life. Master EK  prepared many disciples in his path who stood in the world Today and spread his Path, work, service and wisdom and also followed him in every step initiated many into  the same Path. 

Master EK initiated  The New Era of Time  in space, New Time Cycles with the  Planetary epochs in space and has also initiated New plans of life . Master EK has worked out all the plans of New Age and  has summarised the past century work also   gave paltform for the next century work and gave path to present Century work. Grand Master has demarcated Time cycle veriley as Master EK ERA with his luminous presence and transdental nature.

Master EK  a Great Light descended on this  Earth to initiate with  the Master CVV yoga and Maitreya consciousness  or Kirshna consciousness.  Along with Master CVV yoga.  .Maste has  amalgamated seven rays of Solar Logos, gave a synthetic formula of spiritual teaching to the  world.  Master  opened all the  secret teachings of all Ages,  He verily  became  a Beacon of Light and spiritual  medium  for  the Higher Forces of Nature.  MASTER  became  the higher bridge between stars ,planets and zodiac.  Linked to Earth through Kundalini as his Name.

Master EK himself became Healer  of the World preached scriptures healed sick using Neptunium Ray of Homeopathy and yoga of Master CVV.  Master EK also gave yearly zodiac meditations, planetary symbols and stellar colours of meditations along with Master CVV course of daily prayers.   Master also adjoined Vedic verses and occult invocations of Master and their hierarchy. He gave daily rituals and traditions worship with many secret hymns and  Lord Shankaracharya secret verses of spirituality  presented to his student synthetic ritual lore and also gave vedic masonic temple of eastern and western  spiritual schools of  thought. 

Master EK also casted spiritual light when adjoined with Master CVV yoga he bought down cosmic principle’s  of  solar system and  planetary principles of Earth  into this  world,  made a synthetic spiritual platform for lords of Time to work out  the evolutionary plan of earth and its beings.

 Master EK embodiment of Time has  initiated   New Era, where Master meets Man through his seven centres through a regular Meet of pair of prayers of Master CVV at 6 am and ^6pm Daily. Master formed the  Meet Centres for Angels and Men . So Master EK also marked the Timeline  along with his gurus as  beginning of New Era  of spiritual years from his Ascent of body on full moon in Pisces,  March 17 1984, for his disciples and people of his faith. 

  Master sanctified Timeline with his spiritual initiation of Neptunian principles of sage Narada,  Maitreya and Lord Krishna   years those people of faith born in the home where master EK is venerated along with Master CVV , the children are marked with his spiritual  illumination  and transcendental presence. Hence for his disciples years are marked in his name Sri Krismacharaya Samvastras years of world teacher EK 39 years form his date of Ascension . Master   EK     Era-  39 years.. His spiritual Ascension became door of spiritual descent for those who follow him 
May the Cosmic Masters  Master CVV Master EK bless  upcoming generations with their blessing and tread the student in their Path and wisdom.

Editor Mihira