According to secret calculations of Spiritual Astrologers and Anthropologist, the date of birth of Lord Krishna after having passed through many research gates, finally date was concluded. This date was calculated according to our present Gregorian calendar, which we are using right now as our calendar systems.
There are lot of types in measuring the Time and in calculating Time in terms of years, days months and weeks. Different civilizations differ according to their paths. Each civilizations differs by each time cycle, thus gave each measurements,which gave rise to different calendars.
Few calculate by days ,some through months, while few through years , Yugas, Eras, Aeons , each having a base on movements of sun and moon. Time calendars were demarcated as Before Christ BC and After Christ, by the new sociologist. But Time it self was divide with the birth of Lord Krishna say the ancient vedic lore.
According to Historians Anthropologist and spiritual astrologist birth of Krishna was decided on July 19 in terms of Gregorian calendar. The precision of equinox from the time of Dwapara Yuga has transited along with the tiltation of earth axsis through 90, which made to moved the zodiacal boundries month of Leo to fall in between July 18 to August 18. Master E.K gave a brief explanation about this in his book " Man Sacrifice ".
Lord Krishna was born in on the eight day of the dark fortnight
of the lunar month sravan, when the moon
was in the constellation Rohini. Bhaghavatha Vishnu purana and Harivamsa state the
same thing.
He was born in the midnight,
before the rise of the moon in Rohni, his ascendant was rising in the taurus constellation.(Harivams poorva
52, Vishnu purana v-1-26), but we do not
know in which year exactly he was born. The Ancient Indian Vedic Puranas say, that the kali age has entered on the day when Krishna left his body (bhagahvatha
-9-7-7 , mastya purnan 271-51). It was also said Krishna was born in dwapara yuga which just preceded the present kali age ie, Dwapara
of the 28 Mahayuga.( Vishnu puranan 4-4-&20)
Of the both above puranas
say, that lord has lived more than 125
years. If we calculate the beginning of kali
Yuga ie 18th feb 3102B.C , pramadhi Chaitra first day. Is the death
of lord krsihsna if we tarce back the date
126 years back from this date birthday of lord Krishna is on midnight of
july 19th 3228BC srimukha srvana 8thday of he dark fortnight when the moon was in constellation rohini. These
calculations’ were derived by Sir B.V Raman in his outstanding works the notable horoscope’s work .
According to Vishnu Purana, it was calculated as the birth of lord Krishna as depicted by the ancient sages, occurred when the fixed star Sirius falls on the degrees of his birth sun is in sign Leo,which correlates with present degrees of sun when sun passes the date on July 19th. .Thus July 19 forms birth day of lord Krishna, according to solar calendar of sayana system of Astrology.
Mihira conducts its annual event on this day, to bestow the blessings of the lord Krishna in order to continue his plan through our works and books.
Great occasion.In fast changing times with changing preferences in media selection,sustaining publication of a magazine is an an achievement which is highly commendable.Masfer MRL Garu and young chiranjeevi Pradyumn are to be congratulations.Vijaha Ananda Rao.
ReplyDeleteThanku so much Mihira team for sharing such beautiful information.Namaskarams master MRL to ur lotus feet.
ReplyDelete🙏🙏🙏 Thank you Pradyu
ReplyDeleteMy humble pranamams to Master MRL Rao garu and MIHIRA team in bringing the incidents which were occured and also sharing to our upcoming generations. Really it's a great work. And also my humble pranamams to our Lineage of Gurus.