Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Life is a gift given to man with love by god. Life is to be lived with happiness, with contentment and with wisdom. Unfortunately, today's man is distressed, unhappy and ignorant. God, the epitome of love, compassion and light, has given man the means to make his life meaningful and purposeful, while enjoying every moment of it.

I-SOHAM, the blog that lights your life, aims to bring into your life the forgotten sciences that god has made available to man to enlighten him. Spiritualism, Occultism and Astrology are sciences, which are more often than not misinterpreted by man and not used as they should be. Time and again great souls have appeared in body to teach the real meaning of them. They have held these sciences in their hands as beacon lights and thrown light on the path  of happiness through ancient wisdom.

                                                         Daily Meditate @ 6-A.M & 6-P.M

"Master please let me receive the influx of thy plenty of prana into my system that i may resist disease, decay and death, realize pure love, highest truth and bliss of existence that i may serve humanity according to thy plan. Master C.V.V Namaskarams."

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