Sunday 25 August 2024

Holy Janmastami and Krishnastmi

Mihira wishes all Happy Holy Janmastami and Krishnastami 2024.

Birth of Lord Krisha divine the  time as Before  Lord After the Lord. Lord Krishna filled the Time Planet and the solar System with his Consciousness, as Krishna Consciousness. It is referred as Christ Consciousness and  cosmic consciousness. It is called  the Sweet and  the Joy, transmutation for human consciousness into cosmic consciousness.  Called as BLISS 

Lord Krishna gave forth the   formula of Life as Geetha marg through Bhaghavat Geetha yogic life, Bhaghavatha marg as Story of his life ,  Dharma marg through Mahabharata, Brindvana marg through Group living. 
Every act of his life is ab scripture carrying significant spiritual symbollism  Lord Krishna is complete avatar among  his 24 Avataras  where he played all the roles of Human divine life exhibited transcendentalism and divinity through his frame.  The Lord through his flute played Music of the soul amalgamated cosmic rhythm with music of each soul 

The Lord showed seven fold initiation that Man and Angel can attain 

1.Divine birth 
2.Divine Play 
3. Celestial Music 
4.Embodimnet of law 
5. MAN OF yoga 
6. Universal Vision 
7 . Secret Journey. 
Krishna is peacock feather symbolises nascent consciousness of creation  stood as purusha where all 8 fold nature's took shelter in him he came down as the 8 th child  in 8 the lunar pharse  8 th month of year.  Untouched by nature of creation.

THe Lord came down from.Go Loka bought 8 beings with him Radha Devi , RukminimDevi , Pradyumna , Balarama, sachiki, Anirudha , and subadradevi along with him where Radha Devi, balarama Pradyumna became planets, few returned to goloka.  He transmitted his presence into Lord Maitreya , Sage Uddhava,  Sage vidura. 

All Gurus,  Masters, saints,  venerate Lord Krishna as symbol of worship follow his foot steps as foot prints in attaining highest abode of cosmic consciousness. 
Lord Krishna comsciousness, 

Lord Krishna yellow dress is colour of illumination, his blue colour is symbol of transedentalism , his peacock feather is nascent Kumara comsciousness, his flute is  of Cosmic melody, his pearls symbolise  purity of mind and heart crystal of expression of soul directly through mind with out any filth of Nature.His beauty resembles Cosmic beauty of creation , his smile is yoga Maya , his sudarshan is eternal time his conch  panchajanya is five elements of Nature his blows forths plan of creation as voice of God expression of soul through form. His kaumada mace is of embodiment of law , his navanitha bro mark ,resembles eternal bliss,  his walk is scriptures, his speech is mantra he is cosmic Man purana purusha, yuga purusha , Geetha purusha and  sanatana saradhi. 

His child form is meditated as salvation he gives his child ais day isppearance at his birth just before death . He pervades his presence in earth as sweetness to sweet   Krishnastaimi brings birth of Lord in each one of us as  raise us soul to spirit againπŸ™

Editor Mihira 
Krishna Pradyumna 

Saturday 3 August 2024

MASTER CVV Birthday August 4,2024.

August 4 Master CVV  Birthday Guru Aradhana πŸ™

Birthday of Avataras Gurus and Spritual Teachers mark the time and day with their auspicious presence πŸ™.
They demak the Time as Before And after their presence for their devotees. 

Master CVV is. A great initiation to Earth, in the enlightenment of earth with spritual illumination. 

Masters radiance and radioactive presence  hastens the Earth karma and it's beings  and also  karma of the followers of his yoga.  Now Master CVV yoga is widely practiced all over the world. Master CVV is parabrahmam descended unto the earth to elevate the earth into higher realms of life and enable beings to experience real  bliss of life. He promised immortality of consciousness and elixir of life so that every one ascended from physical bondages and locks of mind to transcend death and live a divine life. 

The real purpose of human life is getting defeated by material pursuits of life  and engraved in tomb of material darkness lost the light of soul purpose of life destiny of their journey . So to elevate man from this stage, one needs severe penance, rituals, meditations, divine knowledge and austerity of life, continuous adherence to that sate of life through his actions of life . But in this present life style men loose valuable  time in gaining temporal things instead of permanent realisations. So to save men from present day life style and to cope up with fast pace of Aquarian Age Master CVV has come himself from origin as Source , Mediuem ,  Path  Time, and as Mantra himself where mere utterence of his mantra Master CVV Namaskarams πŸ™ thrice , three time day in time  he unlocks the Intricate systems of  human  frame interconnects with all others Mediuems and turns his own family as his Mediuems and transgresses the finite human consciousness into Infinite realm of his consciousness. 

The Master breaks the bondages of human mind, cleanses the blocks of prana in etheric body of men to remove diseased state and rectifies human errors karmic actions, adjusts the zodiac, planetary stellar workings on earth and other planets , which altogether alters evolutionary process in the planet and it's beings in resonance with other planets sun and stars to bring down cosmic melody, remove Distorted melancholy created by men through his evil thoughts feelings and actions.

Master CVV is a immortal omnipresent spark which Adheher's all untis of our consciousness in his divine womb with cohesive force of Group consciousness Group souls Group life. πŸ™

On this divine ocassion may Master CVV bless all  with his divine yoga and shower his presence in us embrace us in his holiness. πŸ™

Master CVV Namaskarams

M.P Rao πŸ™
Editor Mihira.